PC Platform Specification:
The dataset consists of a set of OWL ontologies. For ontologies that were classified correctly, the Outcome column reports the total time of load and classification. Otherwise, the type of failure is specified as follows:
The dataset consists of a set of OWL ontologies, and for each ontology one or more class URIs. Tests were executed only for ontologies classified correctly in the previous test. For successful tests, turnaround time is reported.
The dataset consists of a set of OWL ontologies. For successful tests, turnaround time is reported. Outcomes of all reasoners are the same, except for values in red. In those cases, ontologies include an unsatisfiable class (GO 0075043) with no instances. Since Mini-ME checks ontology satisfiability regardless of the ABox, the ontology is considered unsatisfiable by Mini-ME but satisfiable by the other reasoners.
The dataset consists of a set of OWL ontologies. Used memory peak during ontology classification is measured by means of MemoryPoolMXBean interface.