
Reasoners must be configured by placing Python modules implementing the Reasoner interface into the evowluator/user/reasoners directory.

Output format

By default, evOWLuator expects reasoners to print certain information to standard output and/or to file, as detailed in the following. In case it is not possible to control the output format of a certain reasoner, it is possible to override the results_parser() property, returning a suitable subclass of the ResultsParser base class.


The reasoner must print the following to standard output:

Parsing: <float> ms
Reasoning: <float> ms

When invoked for correctness evaluation, the reasoner must output the inferred taxonomy as an OWL ontology in one of the syntaxes supported by evOWLuator (dl, functional, krss, krss2, manchester, obo, owlxml, rdfxml, turtle). Specifically, the ontology must contain all the direct (told and inferred) SubClassOf and EquivalentClasses axioms, starting from owl:Thing. Axioms having owl:Nothing as the subclass can be omitted.


The reasoner must print the following to standard output:

Parsing: <float> ms
Reasoning: <float> ms
The ontology is [not] consistent.


The reasoner must print the following to standard output:

Resource parsing: <float> ms
Request parsing: <float> ms
Reasoner initialization: <float> ms
Reasoning: <float> ms

When invoked for correctness evaluation, the reasoner must output matchmaking results as a text file. The format of said file must match that of the reasoner used as a reference.

Java SE integration

The JavaReasoner template allows integrating reasoners compiled into jar files. In this case, path() is the path to the jar file, and args() returns the arguments that should be passed to it. Flags that should be passed to the Java Virtual Machine can be specified using the vm_opts() property.

Mobile integration


The AndroidReasoner template allows the framework to run reasoning tasks on Android devices. Reasoners can be easily integrated via Gradle, either as module dependencies or external libraries. Each reasoner must be wrapped in an Android application declaring the <reasoner app package>.EVOWLUATE intent in its AndroidManifest.xml file. evOWLuator invokes the intent and passes the following data via its extras, which can be recovered by calling the Bundle.getString() method:

  • task: requested inference task.

  • resource: name of the input ontology.

  • request: only for matchmaking tasks, name of the request ontology.

Output must be logged via logcat, and each message must be prefixed with a unique string, which is used by the framework to filter logcat output. Datasets can be either uploaded to the device before running the evaluation, or retrieved programmatically by the application.

evOWLuator automatically installs a launcher application containing an implementation of the Instrumentation class, whose purpose is to invoke the reasoners and to close wrapper apps once the reasoning task is complete. The framework communicates with the launcher via ADB, therefore USB debugging must be enabled via the Settings app of the target device.

Once the reasoning task is complete, the reasoner application must invoke the it.poliba.sisinflab.owl.evowluator.END intent.

With regards to the Python part of the integration, the args() method must not be overridden. Instead, one has to override the properties and methods indicated in the AndroidReasoner docs, which the template uses to build the argument vector appropriately before invoking adb.


The IOSReasoner template class enables running reasoning tasks on iOS mobile devices. Reasoners must be implemented in separate Xcode projects, and specifically as Xcode test cases, i.e. XCTestCase subclasses. They can be integrated either by including their source files, or by linking them with the test target, if they are available as libraries.

Each supported reasoning task must be wrapped in a dedicated method of the test case, which has then to be deployed to the target device, together with datasets used for the evaluation. The latter can be uploaded via the copy bundle resources build phase, though this is not strictly necessary: the app can retrieve the necessary ontologies however it pleases.

evOWLuator invokes test cases through xcodebuild, Xcode’s command line interface, passing the following data via environment variables, which can be accessed via the ProcessInfo class:

  • RESOURCE: name of the input ontology.

  • REQUEST: only for matchmaking tasks, name of the request ontology.

Reasoner output must have the same format described earlier, and it must be printed to standard output.

Similarly to how Android integration is handled, the args() method must not be overridden. Instead, one has to override the properties and methods indicated in the IOSReasoner docs, which the template uses to appropriately construct xcodebuild’s arguments.